Ikigai Animation Studio is a Japanese-Filipino owned creative agency that offers industry-standard multimedia services from creative projects to corporate needs. Ikigai is a Japanese term that translates to "a reason for being" and this is the fuel behind our core team's passion.
A Philippine-based Animation Studio.
Welcome to Ikiga Animation Studio, the home of your creative dreams and the embodiment of "ikigai." We're not just your run-of-the-mill multimedia agency; we're your dedicated partners in making your vision a reality. Our award-winning team is fueled by the pursuit of "ikigai," crafting animations that resonate with purpose and excellence.
Founded in 2020 with more than 50+ projects handled and with 50+ employees working both office and remote based.
Founded by Micah Pil on January 20, 2021, in Sto. Tomas Davao Del Norte, Philippines. A one-woman training and production design firm that evolves into a well-founded partnership with people from various specializations.
▪Quinn Astillo
▪Benhj Patrick Geneta
▪Kizzarah Vergara
▪French Lomotos
▪Meiflor Asidoy
▪Porsh Fernandez
▪Kez Pimentel
Established with the goal to be a guild where creatives can grow and where clients can secure quality services.
▪2020 Q4 - Conceptualization and preparations. Freelance.
▪2021 Q1 - Legally registered company in the Philippines.
▪2021 Q2 - Building partnership & network. Academe & Industry.
▪2021 Q3 - Expansion. Second branch in Davao City.
▪2021 Q4 - Development. New playground to explore.
▪2022 Q1 - Restructuring. Evolving after one whole year of prod.
▪2022 Q2 - Credibility & Network. Acknowledged & recognized.
▪2022 Q3 - Continues effort on Networking and Production
▪2022 Q4 - Preparation and restructuring for year 2023
▪2023 Q1 - Expansion. Entering the third year of operations.
▪2023 Q2 - Continues Mastery..
Ikigai Studio office is located in Davao City.
Ikigai also has both remote-based and office-based teams ready for deployment.
Facilities and equipment:
▪10 High Spec computers for specialize production
▪10 Animation Light Desk
▪10 Wacom Pen Tablet
▪Production Cameras and lights
▪24/7 Productions for your operations requirements
Mission-Driven Approach: At Ikiga Animation Studio, we embrace the essence of "ikigai" in everything we do. Your mission is our mission, and we take pride in assisting our partner companies and friends in achieving their objectives. Our animations are more than visuals; they're purposeful stories brought to life.
Providing First-rate Partnerships since 2020
Embark on the Ikigai Journey
We cordially invite you to embark on a transformative journey of creativity, innovation, and success with Ikiga Animation Studio. Let us be the driving force behind your multimedia aspirations, while you focus on what you do best – fulfilling your mission with purpose.
Reach out to us today, and let's explore the boundless possibilities of making your vision a vivid reality, guided by the spirit of "ikigai" and our award-winning team.